Courses in this school are aimed at empowering finance professionals with the knowledge and skills needed in banking, risk
management, financial services and regulation. Our courses are suitable for a wide range of audience including bank
executives/directors, senior managers, financial risk managers, credit officers, relationship managers, bank operational staff,
treasury/asset managers, compliance officers, investment bankers, and financial services regulators and supervisors.
Courses offered in this school include but are not limited to:
- Credit Risk Management
- Capital and Liquidity Risk Management under Basel III/IV
- Systemic Risk, Prudential Regulation and Supervision of SIBs
- Financial Markets, Instruments and Risks (with LIVE Market Simulation)
- Consolidateed Supervision of Banks and Financial Conglomerates
- Corporate Governance and Enterprise Risk Management of Banks
- Implementation of IFRS for Banks and Financial Conglomerates
- Operational Risk Management in Banks/Financial Institutions
- Foreign Exchange Risk Management
- Credit Risk Modelling for SMEs
- Complaint Handling and Financial Services Dispute Resoolution
We also offer a number of other courses within this school, ranging from 3-5 days duration, including:
- General Banking Courses
- Courses by Banking Divisions
- Specialised Lending Courses
- Courses on Lending Technologies
- Banking Regulation and Supervision Courses
Request a copy of our brochure today!